October Travel to Kenya

Kenya is well known for its game viewing, wide-open spaces, picturesque landscapes and many opportunities for meaningful cultural experiences. Kenya also offers an array of accommodation options and areas of low-density tourism. In some private conservancies, there’s one tent for every 700 acres of land! Why October? October is a great time to use your Read more…

The Third Time is a Charm!

When I am asked what my favorite African country is, Kenya is always one of the few I name. (Yes, I have a couple of favorites and cannot narrow down my choice to just one country!) Why? I first saw Kenya on the big screen, in the movie Out of Africa, and it shaped my Read more…

Why I Love Kenya

I named my son Kenya for several reasons, one of which is that Kenya is my favorite country in Africa. To me, Kenya is the epitome of the safari experience; big herds of animals, inspiring landscape and a unique cultural experience lacking in other parts of Africa. You may not know it, but if forced Read more…