Deserts, Glaciers and Mountains: Chile and Argentina

The best perk about working at Travel Beyond is getting to travel and experience new adventures. Usually I like to explore cities and museums, but I recently returned from a great time in Chile and Argentina which involved very little of these activities. Almost everything I did on this trip was outdoors and active. Anyone Read more…

Before The Year Ends: Destinations to Visit in 2016

We blinked, and 2016 is already halfway gone! Yet for those still looking to travel this year, there is plenty of time to book a trip and many destinations ideal for the October through December timeframe. Below, Craig and Kota focus on two locations perfectly suited for a trip in the last quarter of 2016: Read more…

Breathtaking, Colorful, Delicious: Jennifer’s Trip to Argentina & Chile

Argentina My trip began with one night in Buenos Aires, which isn’t nearly enough time to enjoy all this city has to offer. Home to thirteen million inhabitants, Buenos Aires has a notable European influence (especially Italian), which is reflected in its lovely architecture, history and culture. There truly is something for everyone here. While Read more…

The South American Answer

Travel is a natural high. It feeds the soul and opens the mind in an inexplicable way. While technology is able to bring us closer than ever before to some of the most far off places without the need to leave home, all of the YouTube videos and Facebook posts in the world cannot replicate Read more…

Southern Patagonia: Travel to the “End of the Earth”

It has been hundreds of years since the European discovery of Patagonia by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, yet the words used to describe this loosely-defined region made up of both Chile and Argentina have changed very little. Patagonia is remote, infinitely beautiful, exotic, vast, wild and untamable. Those who have visited will undoubtedly tell you Read more…